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Dear State Representative,

I am a voter of age in your district.

I urge you to vote yes on Senator Damon’s Marriage Bill.

It is high time that the concept of equal CIVIL rights be applied to all American citizens.

A marriage license is a civil document applied for through local government, not through the applicant’s church. It is a legal document that confers certain CIVIL rights, not moral or religious ones. It has nothing to do with adopting children, is not about eroding family values, or any moral or religious objection being raised by the religious right. If God made us all in his image I think He would not be happy to see us discriminating against any one group of His children.


Give same-sex couples the right to file joint income tax returns, to share health benefits, to be able to sit by a hospital bedside or make funeral arrangements etc.

I cannot see how conferring these rights will affect “family values.” If one has certain values and teaches them within one’s family and lives life as an example of those values to one’s family, then one needn’t be worried about one’s children being negatively influenced by outside sources. 

With or without the sanction of state licensing, same-sex couples will continue to live together. If it is prohibited by a religion to marry a member of the same sex, then that church will most likely not be performing these marriages and same sex couples would probably not be welcome in that congregation. Why then the hysteria?

Why in this time of national crisis and world economic and political turmoil is this the issue worth making a stand against with such venom?


Only in Maine

PS: I tried to leave a message on the state House of Representatives messaging system tonight but was informed that “the mailbox is full.” I take that to mean that I am probably not the first voter you will have heard from tonight. Any other explanation for that would just be too awful.

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May 2024